Dear dr.Serageldin:
During your speech at the university of Geneva you encouraged native Egyptians to contribute with their works to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The mission of the Bibliotheca, you stated, is dedicated to recapture the spirit of openness and scholarship bringing the Mediterranean Together for a free circulation of ideas and enrichment of the culture. Your impressive international professional history gave me the final impulse to do so.

Offer of books
From that perspective, as a contribution to create a cultural bridge over the two sides of the Mediterranean, I offered two of my books; Offer accepted on April 23, 2009, with many thanks.
Only one book however has been acknowledged “L'Islam: Storia, Fede, Cultura. Editrice la Scuola di Brescia,1996” a leading publishing house in Italy for scholars, I received a nice thank letter.

Book refused
Since the other book seems not to have been delivered, I offered to resubmit another copy of the lost book titled "Musulmani e cristiani i nodi invisibili del dialogo" a reprint of “Cristiani e musulmani verso il 2000, una convivenza possible. Editrice Paoline”, another leading publisher in Italy. It has been refused by the Bibliotheca apologizing for the decision.
As an Iskandarani, Egyptian born in Alexandria living in Milan Italy, I feel sorry to have been allowed to concur only partially with the spirit of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina to recapture the spirit of openness of the original Bibliotheca and to be a place of dialogue, learning and understanding between cultures and peoples.

I conclude wishing to connect myself with your sentiment to which I fully concur: ”I may disagree with your views, but I will lay down my life to defend your right to express your views”.

While I Thank you for your attention I wish you every success for your challenge.
Best regards

Giuseppe Samir Eid


Samir Eid Raccolte

Intendono fornire gli strumenti per una inclusione sociale del flusso migratorio, gettare una luce sui diritti umani e la condizione di vita dei cristiani nel mondo islamico da cui proviene l'autore.La conoscenza dell’altro, delle diversità culturali e religiose sono ingredienti primari per creare la pace nei cuori degli uomini ovunque, premessa per una serena convivenza e convinta cittadinanza sul territorio.